I saw my fren with MINT mentos,
then i ask her: I want.......
She answer: sure..
ok lo... take one... then i have a look...
@@... wtf... why yellow colour geh?
she have no idea... coz she just ate a white colour mint(as usual colour)...
stun.... poor guy you come to the wrong packet i think... but no people willing to eat him... kesian... end up left him in the class... that is end of his life...@@
walao..u all so waste ar..i like yellow colour..
swt... find inside mint mentos... who know later is busuk de leh...
maybe it's a competition~u should check the mentos's website~`
hahaha .. pity little mentos XD
y yellow cant eat?
no poison de mah?
haha..wasting lah u
but the colour is not what normally we see that yellow colour... is a bit green yellow geh... i eat the next mentos of it feel the taste guai guai de...@@...
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