Maybe I has been addicted to play game since i was young... yet still dunno how to spend my spare time except playing game... All though i have already delete all the application/game on my face book, didn't install any single online game on my lappie, even start holding a book before i slept(read few page only sleep adi)... but i just can't stop playing this strategic game name DotA.. I just found out the real meaning of DotA stand for Defense of the Ancients... Is a game control a single unit(Hero) and pump it to be stronger to fight against your enemy from destroying ur homeland or you go and destory their homeland. I have no idea why i so into this game that spent most of time on my 17-20 age playing that game... imagine that I can play the single game at least 12hours per days.. Except sleeping, i was playing the freaking Dota for the whloe day. Which make me scolded by parent who not doing things suppose to be done... Feel sorry when i think back... Self Discipline is not there at all... No life at all by doing that... ya i make a change by reducing the numbers of playing that game until now only invite by frens only play at Cyber Cafe.. is a good sign of improvement... But sometimes just kinda Boring and dun have anything to replace my previous behavior... no gf, no game, no money... what else can do... going back to old attitude lo... but with a clearer mindset... HERE TO Commit myself ONLY play ONE ROUND PER DAY, if missed can't be replace for the day... ^^
As I'm concern... learning new things is good... so i make a change instate of playing warcraft3 - Dota. I found another new game which exactly the same as DotA name
Heroes of Newerth. now is official on
BETA now, so for those cheapskate like me not willing to paid for the game and wanna enjoying playing, NOW is TIME... What is so special about this i think is because the name of the heroes, skilled, and the outlook of the heroes are perfectly match, graphic is nicer but make me more confusing, and then leaver and newbie are definitely lesser. So far... i just played once... @@... but looking forward for this game.. make me feel excited...
First hero i used was Chronos which is the conversion of Faceless Void... Most of the skill are almost the same except the first skill now include some damage when it blink/teleports toward the certain area.. It increase the spend of earning gold for him which give area damage to creep... is a plus point for that... ^^...
State & Skill of Chronos
Can check inside the game de... ^^
Played few round adi... but one word can say is blur.... i should do more reading on the hero first... or should i play alone testing the hero first? lolz...