Thursday, May 05, 2005

continue writing about U.M..

erm... continue wtiring about my feeling at U.M... at the second morning... erm... about 7.30 week up.. but still laying on bed.. until 8.00 lo.. then go to wash up and change cloth and prepare to go to canteen to take breakfirst... erm.. the breakfirst is most tasts in all meal at U.M. that i can say... erm... then about 8.45 walk to the lecture hall... :(.. all the front sit has full... 5555... sit behind again... ::((( erm.. can't see clearly because the lecture hall is for 600 people wan... if you sit at the back you sure can't see the thing that the lecturer write at the whiteboard....
erm.. having komsas lecture... quite boring.. because the teknik that komsas is must study and hafal it... haiz.... after that have a short break... didn't go anywhere.. stay at the lecture hall... erm... chat with friend lo.... then continue the same thing.... haiz... teaching us about the teknik to sofe the problem in exam... and the question...
erm.. then lucnh time... also very disgusting,... haiz.. don't wan to complain about the food liao.... is bad.. erm.. later continue rumusan that haven't finish yesterday... still teaching us to us the teknik... and make pendahuluan and kesimpulan..
then i time to back... erm.. before us go.. they go give some present to the people was very erm.... good ar? 3 present... my friend get one of it... in about 350 people he get it.. walao... lucky man.. erm... is a plat??? that like a dicerision??? lolz.. spelling problem... because when he is in hostel he still use the time to study... so lucky and give those worker saw then get the present.. hehehe....
go to thank them and to back to hostel keep out bag and pass out the key.. erm... still don't wan to go back home... hehehe.. and have some food at canteen then get the sijil then wait for bus... nothing happen at bus but got 2 bus.. one of the bus i think is go to long way so the bus was late to reach chip lee.. i'n not sitting that bus... hehehe... then my father come and feach me lo... erm.. suddenly heavy rain is coming... haiz... lucky i'm in my father car liao... don't know my fren how.. ok la.. stop her... this bengkel is good.. hope can help me get good result at my exam....

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